Functional biological replacements using innovative ceramic technology, improving treatment outcomes with functionality, minimal invasiveness, and durability.
CerInvent: Less invasive and more durable procedures.
Our unique method creates aesthetic, functional and durable dental restoration crowns with significantly less loss of healthy dental tissue.
CerInvent has developed a unique method to produce dental restorations in zirconia with a modified inner surface that is possible to glue to the tooth surface which makes them more durable and less invasive using the latest technologies available on the market

AdheZir: Optimal bonding to the tooth surface
The optimal bonding between the tooth surface and the restoration makes it possible to save more of the healthy tooth substance.

Optimal strength and esthetics
Optimal strength and esthetics through the unique properties of zirconia.

Surpasses all materials used so far
The biological properties of zirconia surpasses all presently used dental materials.

Our unique surface
AdheZir™ - Our unique method creates esthetic, functional and durable dental restorations with significantly less loss of healthy dental tissue.
Our method enables production of zirconia dental crowns in a new, easy and cost effective way, adapted for both industrial- and small dental laboratory production.
About CerInvent
From company headquarters in Gothenburg, Sweden, CerInvent is researching, developing and clinically testing novel dental restorative components that offer extraordinary opportunities to deliver reliable, sturdy and minimally invasive procedures.
As an astute, goal-oriented company, we are committed to developing new opportunities into real clinical benefits for restoring lost tissue. Our patent portfolio is strong, and we receive sound financial support from committed Swedish investors.